I met Char during college orientation, the summer before freshman year. She was the first person I'd ever met named Charlotte. In August, when classes started, she lived in the dorm right across the hall from mine. We ate breakfast together every Thursday- thus forming the Blanton Breakfast Club (BBC). As many freshman women do, Char, I, and the other girls on our hall often times discussed the big moments of our futures: weddings, careers, families, and places we hoped to visit. Charlotte was always, "1st: my career, 2nd: my travels, and maybe sometime... my marriage." That's why when she went abroad for school, fell in love, and came back engaged it was really hard for me to believe. However, after witnessing their beautiful ceremony I completely understand that this is the path for her. Andi is the perfect match for my friend; he brings out her very best. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Frei!
In other news, Chris and I ate way too much food whilst traveling. I'd visited Chi-town with Jonas for spring break a few years back, and the food was definitely my strongest memory. Possibly the best pizza in the US. Chris and I also dined on gourmet French appetizers, Goose Island Beer, and some fantastic sandwiches. And to make eating so much seem slightly less painful, we walked nearly everywhere. Not only was the L tons of fun to ride, it seemed clean, safe, and reliable. Oh the irony, as my credit card statement brings me back to reality, we're moments away from booking our next excursion. Details to come if it's ever finalized...
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